Thursday, October 25, 2012

Computer Basics;
In this class I have learned many new things. The first thing we talked about was the Computer Components. Then we talked about Internet Safety. The third thing we worked on was Copyrighting things. Fourth was the Mobile Application. Fifth is Blogging. We have found some websites that are very helpful for organzing some things to.  There is many more "units" as you would say to go.
Computer Components:
 Above is a image of the inside of a computer with some of the components. In this portion of the class we took apart a computer, put it back together. While doing this we had to say what component it was and then take it out then put it back in. We all got into groups and had to make a powerpoint with one component that we picked out of a hat and desribe and go into detail with it and present it in front of the class. Below is some of the components with there listed function.
Disk Drive- lets you burn disks
CPU- brain of the computer, processes all the information needed
Hard Drive- long term memory and stores everything
Power Supply- gives power to the computer to help run smoothly  
RAM-  short term memory
Motherboard- distributes power to where it needs to go
Video Card- gives picture to the monitor
Network Card-  gives you acess the internet.
Internet Safety:
In this portion of the class we talked about how to stay safe while using the internet and social networking sites. We did a project on this and got into groups and had to use Windows Movie Maker to make a video on mistakes we use when on the internet. We also had to do a Powerpoint stating what we knew. The powerpoint was on Identity Theft along with the video. The video we did was fun to make and we had a good lesson along with it. Below is some listed ways to get your identity stolen in which we learend about.
Peer to Peer (p2p)


In this portion of the class we talked about copyrighting. It only lasted a few days cause it also tied in with the Internet safety portion of the class. We went over two songs cause they we copyrighted and had a in class dissucssion. We also broke into groups about 8 groups of 3 or 4 around that and half had one song the other had one. We had to give our arguement of why we thought it was or was not copyright.

Mobile Applications:

In this portion we talked about our mobile applications on our smart phones, tablets, and other devices. Then we broke into our groups made a power point and our own made up fairly tale application that we think would be helpful to us. Then we went on a website that allows you to make your own application. We made the application we wanted then made a video of us making it which we could add the application onto our mobile device if we wanted.


This now takes us to the unit we are on and finishing up on now, which is blogging. In the blogging portion we have looked at blogs. We have also made our own blogs. We did them on current events and more things that we wanted so it was fun. There are many more sections to come about in this next half of the semester and I have learned a lot alreayd cant wait till the next half.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Current Events

Current Events In Technology;
iPhone 5:
The release of the iPhone 5 was less then a month ago. The phone took less then one hour to sell out on, it even sold out in all stores across the country in just a few hours. More than  a month later its hard to find a new iPhone.
New things;
-  uses aluminum on the back instead of all glass
-Apple doubled the iPhone’s RAM to 1GB and added the new A6 chipset
- taller screen
The owners of many French newspapers are in favor of the tax, believing their revenue and copyrights are compromised when Google's search results display their content. French Culture Minister Aurelie Filippetti seems to agree. She told a parliamentary commission it is "a tool that it seems important to me to develop."
Google says in the letter that it "cannot accept" such a move, and consequently would be forced to stop referencing French sites.   

Friday, October 19, 2012

Top 100 best iPhone apps

Top 100 Best iPhone apps
iPhone 4

Instagram is a light photo editing and light sharpening app. Many of the camera filters that you can use are like an old retro style but your images turn out looking really nice. I love using this app its so easy to use.
If you tweet, it's a no-brainer to have this app. If you don't tweet and have been on the fence about joining the masses, the iPhone app makes it easy and convenient to get on board.   

Pandora Radio is one of several great free, personalized radio apps that try to play only the kinds of songs you want to hear. Tell Pandora what you like, and it will suggest more songs, artists, or composers that are similar. There are a few ads in between songs.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Computer Basics:
Hello there, in class we talk a lot about technology. It changes a lot over the course of a year or even a month. We all use technology atleast everyday weather its using a computer, tablet,or even a smart phone.

Other things we have learned is how to take a computer apart. Internet safety. Copyright policys and more. So as you can tell technology is changing all the time